
Posted by on 29 Nov 2006 | Tagged as: my life.

I noted a few days ago my eyesight was improving, and that i would no longer need to wear glasses.

So why is it that i can’t stop wearing my glasses? I can’t. I’ve tried. I would almost rather go get the mail in my underwear than i would not wear my glasses. i feel so naked being in public without my glasses. Are my glasses my crutch? My trousers? What is going on with me? Why can’t I stop wearing them?

have you ever had something in your life that was a cruth, that you just couldn’t stop wearing, or couldn’t stop doing? this is odd to me…it’s just a flipping pair of glasses…what’s the flipping big deal?

sometimes i scratch my head and wonder about myself…

4 Responses to “Addiction?”

  1. on 29 Nov 2006 at 1:33 pm 1.Carrie Bassett said …

    I think glasses can make you feel smart and mature. Notice I said “feel”. Before my lasik eye surgery, I would stare at myself in the mirror without my glasses and wonder if I really wanted to go through with it. I had been wearing glasses since the 6th grade and they had become a part of my identity. I wasn’t sure I liked the way I looked without my glasses (I’m still not sure), but after waking up and being able to see the alarm clock for the first time the second my eyes opened, I didn’t regret it for a second.

    You’ll still be Nathan, with or without your glasses.

  2. on 11 Dec 2006 at 5:49 pm 2.Mary Rose said …

    I know exactly how you feel. well not on how you did not have to wear your glasses any more. But I got contacts around easter time and i have not brought myself to wear them more than once or twice. Its hard to explain i guess for me my glasses are a security blanket. I feel i can better hide my emotions when i am in them. It is almost like they are not only helping me see but helping me control what others see. i know tha probly made zero scence but hey how offten do i actually make scence?

  3. on 09 Apr 2007 at 8:15 pm 3.maryland surgery laser eye said …

    laser does surgery eye eye laser about surgery

  4. on 27 Jan 2008 at 8:31 am 4.Dr. Tyler Chalfant said …

    Did you ever wonder why your eyesight was improving? When I was in my second year of practice, a patient came up to me and said they no longer needed to wear their glasses. I looked up on my nerve chart and noticed that we were adjusting the Axis bone. The nerve that controls the eyes passes through the axis bone. Do you think you are getting your Axis bone adjusted? My motto is “I move the bone and GOD does the healing. Any Questions? Ask him.

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